Thursday, April 27, 2006


It's a 13 hour work day. I'm getting extremely, increasingly frustrated with the lack of time for ANYTHING. I feel like I need the additional income of my second job, but I have no life. More than that, I have no mowed lawn which is getting higher and higher and no hope of having time to mow the ungodly thing for another 3 days. I put my notice in at the Steakhouse. I was very sad to do it, they are all my friends, employees and customers alike, and I have had some very good times there.

I'm running a little late. I'm waiting for clean clothes to dry...another hazard of my lack of time. I can't function for at least 15 minutes after waking in the morning and so now, I have 15 minutes for my clothes to dry, get make-up'ed and head out. My enthusiasm for my day job is waning. When my client is doing as she is supposed to, I sit. And I sit. And I sit. I even asked the teacher to send some busywork my way. But still I sit. And try not to fall asleep. God I want to teach.

Some interesting things. The Blue Sloth has some great things going on at his blog. I would link it but I don't know how and don't have time to figure it out. You can visit through the link on the right. The man is amazing. I'm lucky to keep the spam out let alone do anything interesting.

Brando, at One Child Left Behind, talks about his Tequilacon '06. Man I wish I could have been there.

A few updates: Nothing new on custody, it's a waiting game again. The ex is slightly more reasonable with the exception of one major tangent.

Got a card in the mail stating my teaching application is received and there are openings for the position applied for. They will be in touch if I'm selected for an interview.

My car is headed south and no its not a trip. One back door won't open at all now and it was brought to my attention that the wires are showing half way around my front tire. When do I have a free hour to get it fixed??? I don't. Hey maybe my ex will give me some tires like 2 years ago. Both had slow leaks.

I'm out. I'm going to 'fake a smile and get the coffee to go'. I hope it's sunny today.

1 comment:

G-Man said...

The loneliness must be in the air tonight. I am feeling much the same way. After a week of working as hard and as fast as physically and mentally possible, i still don't feel like its enough. When i try to give myself a few moments to wrap my mind around MY life, i feel like i'm dissapointing those around me. Sign... Here's to a good May. Summer's on its way.