Tuesday, April 18, 2006

In response to my new friend Val's question...this is it. Court. My last shot. I talked to my attorney tonight, and neither of us know what the results or recommendation is from the psychological studies. 3 days left. I'm so nervous my skin is practically crawling.

On the bright side, I picked up the kids tonight and we had a great time. We went to visit our friends for an hour, then to the park and to dinner. My youngest got his favorite, peel and eat shrimp and Derek a hotdog. This dinky little restaurant we go to in this dingy little town makes some of the best food. Fresh cut fries, and fresh sliced and fried potato chips. When we were leaving, we were at the counter paying and some other people got some lottery tickets. Dalton started pushing buttons and out popped a ticket. I insisted Derek take it to the people that were just there, even though he wanted to keep it. He did, and so I bought each of the boys their own (the one dollar ones). And as luck would have it, Derek won $10.00. I tried to explain the irony in what just happened, but it was lost on him. I did enjoy the experience of doing something good and getting something good. It doesn't happen all that often and so we must treasure the moments in which it does.

And so, I dropped the kids off again at their dad's. Dalton hugged me three times and wanted to know when the next time would be when he could 'go mommy's house'. I came home and had another bad stomach experience. I really thought dinner was going to settle better this time, but not so. I'm off to visit some blogs before I'm out for the night.


Val said...

Waiting breathlessly for your next post... I certainly hope court went well.

luv Val

G-Man said...

I hope everything went well too! Best of wishes sent your way! Hopefully the lottery tickets will be an omen!