Friday, April 28, 2006


Sometimes I forget about my survival instincts. I left that message for my ex and instantly regretted it, not because what I had to say wasn't true, but because I don't need his help. I got things figured out...I will miss an hour of work and will have to do a lot of driving (picking up my sisters car and dropping it off after) but it worked out. After I got it done, D calls me back and for some reason decided to offer to have his babysitter watch the kids until I could get there. Too little too late. Why is kindness always an afterthought with him?? I told him to nevermind, I took care of it and hung up. Have a safe trip, I hope I didn't spoil it for you. (gag, gag)

I'm sick this morning. I had a tickling cough all day yesturday and today I feel like I have a brick in my chest with a throat thats on fire. Just my luck, it has to happen on a Friday.

I'm going to get the kids tonight. I have the night off. IF we can get home at a reasonable time, I think we may just have yard night. Kids in the sandbox and me working on flower beds/herb garden and mowing. If I'm not too deathly ill by the end of today, I'll see if I can pick up the two hours I'm short this week tomorrow morning. I also have to work my shift at the Steakhouse, although I might see if one of the fill-in girls want it.

And G-Man...I totally understand. If I could I would drag you and I out of our busyness and force us to have a drink leave the rest behind. I still think you should do it regardless. Take some time for YOU this weekend. I'm gonna try...


Val said...

"Take some time for YOU this weekend." -- I'm tryin', I'm tryin'!!
Last night I was struck w/horrible chills -- 72 degrees yet I was FREEZING TO DEATH! Actually I think it was my body's signal that I'd pushed myself too far, it was shutting down & I HAD to go to bed, try to get some rest even if I don't actually get much REM sleep...
(I was up at 11:30 & 3:30 to pee, damn my weak bladder! & at 3:30 I had a night sweat, now I was burning up!!!)
I'm trying to get outta town & have some "ME" time w/the ponies, but I feel as though I've been run over by a truck, my muscles are stiff & sore from my attack of the chills... Oh well, onwards & upwards, I'll try to file a full Ride Report when I get back (Zach's doing his first Fun Ride on Sunday, yeah!!!)
Have a good weekend w/your boys!

Bluenewt said...

Good luck to Zach!! I'll be looking for that ride report! Take care of yourself :) Don't forget that.