Wednesday, April 12, 2006


It's going to be another sleepless night. I came home and thought I saw the flash of lightning. As it turns out, I did. I was reading a few blogs before bed and then came this huge crashing thunder. Seriously, I felt the floor shake for at least 10 seconds. I usually don't mind thunderstorms. Mostly when the boys are here...we all pile into my bed together. I'm alone tonight. The scarier storms remind me of when I was a child, about 7, when I learned about Armageddon from the Jehovah's Witnesses and thought every storm was the end of the world. I remember sitting on the floor crying in the livingroom while my mom tried to console me. I was an emotional child. I felt the weight of the world early on. I remember another time sitting on the stoop, listening to Meatloaf on a summer day at the same house...the one on Barber road. I cried and cried when I realized what the words were to "Heaven can wait". I was young then was before I was in third grade, because we had moved from the house.

Anyhow. I'm not good weathering thunderstorms alone. And I'm still so tired I can't stand it. I have no clue when these resumes will get done, the Standard Teaching application filled out and a Philosophy of Education written. And my taxes. It's all just piling up. And, my 'kid' at school wigged out. She has been through so much. I talked to her and plainly said that she was making it worse by screaming and running. I offered her alternative ways to express her matter what she felt or needed to say I would be there... but she had to do it differently. She started to cry, silently and real tears...and I fought it but still the sting of tears came for this little kid.

I meant to call my sons from work, but before I realized it, it was after 8:00. The heavy weight of guilt fell and I called anyway. No answer of course, but I left a message that their father won't let them hear. I'll call them in the morning and will see them tomorrow night. I miss them.

I'm off to read a little more and will head to bed. Maybe the plinking of the raindrops on the rooftop will lull me into a deep, restful, satisfying and desperately needed sleep.


G-Man said...

So perhpas the storm was symbolic of some of the stuff going on in your life? Or maybe just of your day.

And if you look at it that way, then think about it...the storm eventually did pass.

Hang in there, friend.


Anonymous said...

Jehovah's Witnesses have terrorized millions of children with their cult propaganda.

Up close and personal Jehovah's Witnesses can be wolves in sheep's clothing.

Think about this-When the devil comes knocking on your door he may not have the 'dark goth look'.They could be smartly dressed and wielding the Christian Bible.

I have Jehovah's Witnesses family in the usa who practice the Watchtower JW enforced ritual shunning that i have not seen or heard from in 15 years.

The central CORE dogma of the Watchtower is Jesus second coming (invisibly) in 1914 and is a lie.Jehovah's Witnesses are a spin-off of the man made Millerite movement of 1840.

A destructive cult of false teachings, that frequently result in spiritual and psychological abuse, as well as needless deaths (bogus blood transfusion ban).

Yes,you can 'check out anytime you want but you can never leave',because they can and will hold your family hostage.

The world has the Internet now,and there are tens of thousands of pages up from disgruntled ex-Jehovah's Witnesses like myself who have been abused by the Watchtower cult.

Jehovah's Witnesses are often a mouth that prays a hand that kills.The Watchtower is a truly Orwellian world.
Danny Haszard former Jehovah's Witness X 33 years and 3rd generation

Val said...

Tell me about that "heavy weight of guilt"... Excuse me, is that your shadow!??!
[I do try to lighten things up w/a little humor, forgive me!]
I myself am so desperate for a good night's sleep, I'm ready to score me some Canadian Ambien! & when I do sleep, I'm having horrific dreams -- I know, tell me it's all my subconscious working s**t out, I just wish I couldn't remember 'em. They're disturbing.

Bluenewt said...

I have been having some weird dreams myself lately. I think whatever is on your mind does come through in dreams...although sometimes pretty twisted...

I'm ready to score me something soon..ruby martini, or the latest...a long sloe comfortable fuzzy screw up against the wall with satin pillows the hard way. These are way too good to not be sinful!

Bluenewt said...

Quite possibly, g-man, quite possibly. Welcome back, btw...nice to hear, rather, read from you again!

I'm hanging...oh yeah, I'm hangin...