Saturday, April 08, 2006


Posts will be few for awhile. Starting Monday my workweek is now 55 to 60 hours. And I thought I was tired after 45.

I went to pick up my son at school yesturday and was informed by his teacher that he was out and at his dad's with strep throat. I was fortunate enough to have an understanding employer at the restaurant and so was able to stay home with him last night. He slept in my bed, tossed and turned all night...I got up once because he was hot with a fever to give him some tylenol. Poor kid! He's still sleeping and I'm hoping his fever breaks today.

Derek was so sick, but when we came home with a few groceries and the kids tylenol (I had run out!), he came up to me when I was unloading and took the bags from my hand. When he went to bed, he again thanked me for the lizards I let him buy and said I was the best mommy in the world. Before he went to sleep, he said my bed was the best...soft and comfortable. Being a parent is so gratifying at times.

I have to work tonight. I wish I didn't. I had taken off the entire weekend for Easter, to find out that Darwin is insisting he have that weekend for his one a month weekend custody. I wrote him a letter two weeks ago (the one he threw in my face) because as soon as I looked at the schedule for the month, I knew he would do it. But, he had beaten me to it...a message on the machine I had not received he stated he was taking that weekend. I argued it, but when push comes to shove, if I go to pick them up on Friday, he will not be home, as is his practice. The part that sucks is that when this 'court order' was written Derek was in Pre-K and so all of their days off and vacations (except Christmas) was over-looked. So Derek has an entire week off and Darwin is saying that I get none of it per our court order. So I have no Easter with the kids their entire vacation. However, I begged him when I called one day for the 14th and 15th to celebrate the holiday...and he is letting Derek make the decision. It's bad enough that two weekends ago Darwin made it extremely clear to Derek that he can do whatever he wants where mommy is concerned. And now he is letting Derek (who is 8 years old) make decisions about our custody agreement. Am I wrong in thinking that this is wrong???

He's punishing me for Christmas vacation. At our first hearing, the Judge changed our order, but failed to write it in the interim order. The vacation was more equally divided, instead of exchanging the boys every two days. Darwin took the Friday night I would have had by the old order, and so I was led to believe we were following the Judges said schedule. Christmas eve he hit me with his plan. I stood my ground, kept the kids my 5 days of the vacation, even when he showed up at the door gave me one really angry look. He, however, got his half of the is fair. But he didn't get all of the quality time with his newest victim to play happy family. I don't know whats going on, but all of these latest heated arguments are over weekends that she and her daughter are there. I have a feeling she'll be in court testifying to all the wonders of Darwin. If I know anything, I know she's seeing little things that bother her...but he's so perfect she disregards it as her own paranoia. She won't realize it until he turns on her and he will, especially if she interferes between him and the children.

Anyway. I'm off to enjoy the day I have with the kids today and try not to think about all of the other stuff. I'll be back sometime later.

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