Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Another Day.

I can't seem to keep up. I'm a step behind in every avenue of my life. I scheduled an observation at work, and totally forgot about it. My client left for a home visit early and so my BSC will be observing nothing today. Shit.

I dragged at work last night. Literally had to force myself to smile at people coming in for their Steakhouse dining experience and really, I could care less about their experience or tip. I just wanted to come home and drop. But then, my co-worker met a guy from an internet site and she, another co-worker and he were meeting for coffee after work. I wasn't going to go...but then I realized the guy was CHARLIE (YES, I squealed at the top of my lungs and gave him a huge hug) and so went along. He is the younger brother of one of my best friends of 13 years...and we had so many funny stories to talk about and news to catch up on. It was very cool, but I stayed up very late and am now very, very, very tired.

I also had a chance to talk to my co-op from student-teaching about the job openings in the district. I was feeling positive until I heard that competition will be tough with an Administrators wife and head of the Head Start program at the school applying for the Kindergarden position and a well respected and faithful substitute applying for the 6th grade position. I really don't think I have a shot. But I will apply and see how it goes.

I still can't get any information about the ex's planned spring break trip. No idea when he leaves or comes back and every call is an argument. Every word is a slam. So I resorted to emailing the other ex-wife and things on her end are oh so miserable too...and she has no information about this trip either. Darwin has also decided that his twelve year old son that he doesn't have custody of should testify for him in court regarding our two. What a sicko. And other ex is livid...rightly so.

But now I have an unplanned 2 free hours so I have Easter baskets to put together, laundry piled high and a house to clean. My body tells me to plop my butt on the floor with a soft pillow and a head is telling me to get busy. I'm off the fight this battle until it is time to go to work with a forced smile, aching back and heavy eyelids.


Val said...

WTF?!? (Sorry, a little slow skimming back entries...)
Your ex has a 12-yr old from his previous marriage whom he doesn't have custody of (thank God), but he wants to drag this child into your current custody war???
Asshole doesn't even begin to describe it, pardon my French...

Bluenewt said...

Yeah. It's really sick. The saddest thing is that I loved this kid like my own at one time, we were really close. He hates my guts now. He believes everything his dad tells him. His mom told me she asked him if he testifies and Daddy loses, will he feel responsible?? He said 'probably'. But Darwin doesn't care. The means always justifies the end if he comes out on top.