Saturday, April 15, 2006

For you, J.

I have a secret friend. Honestly, I do. The three year anniversary of our friendship is coming up in July. We met online, through HOT OR NOT. Our friendship has had all of the elements of any other friendship with one exception...we have never met. Not once. We exchange emails, IM's, pictures and talk on the phone usually once a month, more or less. We talk about everything under the sun...we laugh, cry and even once in awhile, drink together. We have had 'disagreements' and not talked for a time, but usually one of us will write and say "Come back!" We share poems, ideas, thoughts...In a way, we share every intimate detail of our lives save the face to face smile that most friends do.

I look forward to our phone chats. I was blessed with a short conversation today. He, once again, persevered with dignity the onslaught of my ranting and raving about my ex-husband all the horrors of that relationship. We talked about some books we read, our kids and Easter plans. It was just nice. I always feel human again after we talk. You know, instead of feeling like a washer stuck on the spin cycle.

So this is for you, my friend. Happy Easter. Sending hugs and kisses to the ever distant Southwest.


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