Saturday, February 18, 2006

Not Beaten, But Definitely Beat!

I'm whipped. The kind of whipped where every limb is painfully tired and sluggish, where simply accomplishing a task at all is a miracle. It has taken me all day to get up and ready to go out with the kids. I tried to talk them into a nap to no avail. I did call off from work. I was feeling very guilty about getting little time with them this weekend, and even though tonight will be a 'big night' (money making) I dont' regret it. I am not sure I could have handled the 5 hour goose chase if I wanted to tonight. I don't know why I'm so out of it today, I guess it could have been the 4 hours of sleep Thursday night, and then the 17 hours of hauling ass all day Friday.

I wonder too, how I will fair in the next coming weeks. I start my new job, I was offered a position as a TSS, but with another organization that happens to pay quite a bit more and I will begin earlier. I'm keeping my part-time waitressing job, at least for as long as I can. I'll find out, I guess.

Kids and I are leaving. I'm going to pick up some ingredients for cupcakes for their dad's birthday and possibly a present. Ummm. yup. Kill 'im with kindness. Better go before my evil thoughts overcome rational thinking...Happy Saturday.

1 comment:

G-Man said...

Have a great weekend and hang in there...Sometimes we just work too hard and the energy wears off.