Thursday, February 23, 2006

Counting My Blessings...

I work with a woman at the Steakhouse who has a son in the 101st airborne division stationed near Baghdad. Today I walked into work, and one of the guys said that "Karry's son is ok". And I thought, oh, that's good. Not thinking a lot about it, really. Karry talks about her son incessantly, he truly is the light of her life. She even keeps his picture in her book that she takes orders in. I didn't realize what Karry went through that day. She walked in, and Mike said "Karry, your son is ok. Your mom called." And I looked at Karry, her pretty face was almost twisted, I mean, she looked like she had aged fifty years overnight. I didn't realize what was going on, and Karry just kept saying what? what? and looked like she might fall over. I went over to her, and she sobbed for at least 10 minutes on my shoulder. Apparently, that morning, she saw a news flash that 4 men from the 101st airborne division were killed near Baghdad. I can't imagine what she went through that day. In my mind, being very distant from that kind of reality, I would expect that she would have been notified before it was reported in the news. But when it's your baby you are worried about, there is no rational thinking involved. All night she struggled with the stress she dealt with that day. Finally, I asked Geoff is she could just go home, I took her last table and the other waitress and I picked up the extra side work and she left. As she went out the door, she said "Thank you for understanding." It was sweet of her to say, but how could I not understand, at least a little? I have two sons, and I know that if I were in her shoes, my reaction would not be all that different.

And so, my point. I guess with all the bullshit I deal with, I'm still pretty fortunate. I didn't have to wonder if my sons were dead or alive today. God bless the our armed forces and their families.



G-Man said...

Wow...i couldn't imagine that kind of stress or worry. That's another reason why i'm so aginst the war right now....Our finest soliders are over there fighting a fake war so George and Dick can make more money in their oil quest....I wonder if George and Babs, and the rest of the ppl in Washington who okayed this war, have ever had that kind of worry about their spoiled children?

Okay, i am now official OFF the soapbox! LOL

Bluenewt said...

It's funny, Karry came in the next day, and said that her son said that she would definitely know first if something happened to him. Also, that the news is quite a bit more dramatic about things happening there than in actuality. He said it is not as bad as it seems. Something about getting money for the war...hmmmm. (no kidding..)