Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Newt Notes

This has been one interesting winter. We had a small snowstorm over the weekend (for once, it missed us!) and today, we have spring again. Not that I'm complaining, I love it. 60 degrees and I'm feeling like a day at the lake! It's motivating. Going to pick up a couple of cans of paint to finish the downstairs. Might even finish the sewing projects I started, since my free days will end March 6th with my newly gained employment.

Speaking of employment, I'm not teaching...yet. To be honest, obtaining a teaching position is going to be challenging at best. For the last 6 months, I have applied for teacher's aides positions and have not been called for one interview out of 6 applications locally. A friend's wife is a certified teacher who applied for a position quite some time ago was the only eligible applicant for an opening at the school here in town. She wasn't hired. After she did her own investigation with some ranting and raving, she found out that they conveniently 'lost' (threw away) her application and hired the superintendent's daughter' friend who was not yet certified. That's the way it works. If you don't 'network' your resume better be damn special because it's lost in the pile of 75-200 applicants for every teaching job. So, I'm sneaking in under the guise of Therapeutic Staff Support, or as they say a 'wrap-around', working with one child in a classroom every day and hopefully I will be able network within the system. It will meet my needs for full-time employment and still put me in several local districts. That's the plan anyway. We'll see how it goes.

My Valentine's Day was ok. Our 'boss', Geoff, bought a dozen roses with a card that said "To the the ladies of the Steakhouse, your professionalism makes you beautiful". Very sweet. After work I had the pleasurable company of another single person, some ruby martini's and good conversation. It's all good.

Well I'm getting off my arse to get something accomplished or at least started. I vowed to not mention my nemesis, The Ex, but damn it, I was enjoying the warm day and the only thing I get in the mail is a letter from him. Not only has he pissed on my cheerios, I have sit here and reply. Shit.


Bluenewt said...

Sorry, John, you are not only not my type, you are my anti-type, and that's even IF I were interested in a relationship of any kind, of which I'm not. And from what I read, you are also anti-american (your Aryan seed??) and politically incorrect which rubs coarsely against my beliefs in humankind as an educator. Move along now, there's someone on the next blog that might be your 'bestest' friend. Btw, thx. You just helped me to realize the importance of setting my 'comment filter'.

G-Man said...

Ruby martini! I could go for one right about now!

Bluenewt said...

Ruby martinis are yummy. It was the first time I had one, they made them at the restaurant as something new for Valentine's Day. I'm hooked. :)