Monday, February 13, 2006


I'm experiencing a morning full of frustration. It began with an urge. I met my ex-husband early this morning and he was going to drop the kids off at school. Mind you, everything we ever discuss is an argument, from custody arrangements, to his not submitting medical bills to my insurance, to my having to plead to make arrangements around my nights and weekends work schedule. So, back to this morning. He needed Derek's hockey equipment and I gave him the bag of knee pads, skates and all that. "Where's his hockey stick?" he asks me rather shortly. "It's in the car, " I replied. So I went back to the car to get the hockey stick...then...I had a moment. You know, like in the movie monster in law, when Jennifer Lopez has this brief 'day dream' while she is talking to Jane Fonda, she picks up this pan and raps her over the head with it. Then it brings you back to reality where J-Lo just takes it quietly. Well...I had a 'vision' like that, where I pick up the hockey stick and just whollop my ex and say WHY DON'T YOU JUST BE REASONABLE, EVEN IF IT'S ONLY FOR YOUR CHILDREN!!! I didn't, I handed the hockey stick over rather nicely.

THEN, on the way home, I passed a farm where there were horses in the road. I, the good samaritan, stopped and tried to walk the horse back to the house. So as I leave the horse and walk up the driveway to the house, two more come out of the barn and head toward the road. I then hear a car coming and as I turn around, the horses were headed toward the road, and the vehicle coming was a dump truck. I ran toward the road (you know, like I was going to stop a dump truck much better than a horse would), screamed and the horse just missed being creamed by like 24 inches. It freaked me out. I was sure that poor thing was a goner. No one was around, these horses are all over the place, and finally I saw someone across the field. This woman totally ignored me at first while looking at me, and said that she did in fact own the horses. I told her she almost lost a horse and she had no comment. What is wrong with people!!???

And the rest of the morning, more arguments with the ex....luckily, bluenewt has not yet transformed into minmonster, although I'm not sure how much more crap a newt can deal with. GRRRR. I'm going to work. Hopefully tooth-pick flicking girl can cheer me up.

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