Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Not so great news.

Took the kids to see their appointed attorney today. I was very glad I chose to take them myself, in spite of the waste of an entire afternoon with the boys.

The news is not so great. She was very kind, and when I asked her about the situation her interpretation was that the judge was reluctant to change Derek's school and take him from the 'birth home'. I'm so sick of that term, D drops that incessantly. What about me? It was my womb that carried them, my breasts that fed them... Because I signed a prenup precluding me from keeping HIS home, then I can't be a good mother to my children. But he can commit adultry, be emotionally abusive and keep me from doing all I had ever wanted to do, which was be a mom.

It was also stated that it appears that the if the judge could order me to move within 10 miles of the children's fathers home, then he would. Ok so, I give up everything. EVERYTHING. I leave my parents, my friends, the home I have created here...This is all thats left.

I'm struggling with a very real feeling of hopelessness. The easiest route is to keep kissing an an assholes ass. I drove home, crying, turned up the radio to hear linkin parks "In the end". I'm yelling at the top of my lungs with this song..."In the end, it doesn't fucking matter." Because it's all I could do.


G-Man said...

Wow...I'm so sorry...

...and meanwhile, i was going off about my shitty day...

Hang in there

Txfeminist said...

hey girl.

I'm so sorry things are looking bleak. I don't see how they could order you to move. There is a constitutional right to move freely about the US.

Hang in there!! xx Tx

Val said...

In our initial separation, my ex was trying to force me off the farm (basically he thought I'd crawl back home to my parents); he tried to dictate that I "needed to move closer to my business"...
Thankfully my attorney told him to pound sand!