Monday, May 15, 2006


While yesturday's sadness has subsided, I'm faced with my one and only free evening at home in an empty house that holds little comfort. Sometimes, my greatest hold on sanity is that occassional funny email or brief IM conversation that makes the night a little less solitary.

I'm procastinating a little longer, to catch up on blogs and myspace, emails and messages. I'm then off to complete the progress notes I'm behind on, finish up the requirements for extra training (paid for), and put together some more portfolios for my job search. I'm now a TSS in another school and I love this classroom my client is in. More than ever, I long to find a teaching job. I never dreamed that I would long for a job this badly...not for the income or security (although it's a draw) but simply for job satisfaction.

Something unfunnily funny...(life is so ironic). Last week, my friend Tina got her hair done. It looked so awesome, I decided that I would do something similar, although it would probably cost me about $100.00 because of the length of my hair. Two days after that decision (by now it should be an decide to do something for myself) my alternator went in my car. Today, my rearview mirror came off in my hand. It's a sign. After I pay for everything that will need to be repaired for my inspection, I will not have enough to get a new do. The flip side...I will not spend the money I will need for the car on myself. Or maybe I'll just do it anyway and duck tape my muffler. Hey, I should've left my old refridgerator in the yard as well....

Little's lilac season, one of my favorite flowers. I picked a bunch and put a vase full of them in the kitchen. If nothing else, I have been blessed with the God-given pleasure of the fragrance of lilacs.

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