Saturday, June 10, 2006

Small stuff

Such a busy weekend it's been. I'm sick of working and looking forward to a free day tomorrow.

I went out on a limb tonight, and not sure how well it was received. I asked to a coworker to stop over and share a couple of beer's. A male co-worker. To be honest, it was pretty much a platonic invitation; however, it was refused for very good reasons, but leaves me feeling like a bit of an ass. I guess this is why I don't take these chances.

On the other hand, the kids and I are quite ill with colds and so I guess it's for the best. I just took some Nyquil and have a good buzz going on. This is some good shit! LOL. So thats why they won't let you buy a bunch of it at once.

I had gone to the store to get something for relief of the congestion the boys and I are having. I rarely, if ever, take anything. But I was interested in sleeping tonight and so bought some Nyquil. I also got the kids some children's cold and flu meds. Do you know that they will not let you buy TWO cold medicines at once? What the hell is with that anyway?

Oh my, this is going to knock me out. Vision is beginning to blur and if I were speaking, I would probably slur. This is why I usually don't take this stuff, it totally hits me hard. I wonder if you get a hangover from nyquil? Ugh. I'm passing out before I further embarrass myself. Sweet dreams all....

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