Thursday, June 29, 2006


My face hurts. I have a killer sinus infection and I feel like the left side of my face is going to explode off from my head at any minute. I worked hard to make the last day with the kids before they are off to their dad's for the week fun and special. But boy, have I been (feeling) miserable all friggin day. And at the moment, I can't sleep.

I'm soothing myself with "Failure to Launch". I hope it's good. But surely Matthew McConaughey's butt could make a girl forget about an exploding face. The shirtless, muscley clip nearly worked already!!!

But god. The kids leave tomorrow. Where did the week go? It's gonna be lonely here....


kaicito said...

hey, hope you're feeling better by now...maybe matt mcconaughey's butt really helped? ;)
sorry i haven't been around much, but i was on a brief vacation (Sardinia...and if I get around to it, I'll post a few pics) and the upcoming exams are demanding their share of time.
all the best to you!

Val said...

Yuck -- I'm with ya on the killer sinus-problems...
I awoke at 2:43 AM Saturday morning, feeling like a rusty railroad spike was being driven into the L side of my face -- THEN I found there was NO IBUPROFEN IN THE HOUSE!!! [Insert scream of anguish]
But I've started using my little Neti pot, it does help...