Monday, June 12, 2006

I'm totally feeling like Monday

I'm sitting here. That's about it. I have a list of things to do a mile long and yet, here I sit. No interesting emails to read and respond to, no one to chat with... I'm looking for any mindless waste of time I can find as that is all I feel capable of at the moment.

My car is in the shop eating money. I hate the feeling of being carless. It's like I have lost my legs. I may not have anywhere to go, but I know I can't if I wanted to. I hate it.

The weekend was good. I made quite a bit of money at the Steakhouse and my kids had a nice time with my mom and dad for two evenings. Sunday we went to my employer's lake house for an employee picnic and that was awesome. Well, right up until the kids had to return the baby turtle and crayfish to the lake which brought on a couple of unusually explosive set of tantrums just as we were leaving and in front of all of my co-workers and employers. Embarrassing, to say the least. But, the boys were tired, and we are all sick with summer colds, so I attribute some of the behavior to a general feeling of unwellness. I am feeling particularly crappy today. I'm thinking that I'm in the sinus infection stage because I have been dizzy all morning. Which leads me to my lack of ambition this very moment. NO MORE NYQUIL FOR ME! That stuff knocked me out, but made me feel horrible the next morning. I took a 1/2 dose yesturday and felt like I was going to be sick. I even had to take a bucket to bed with me just in case.

Tomorrow is 'hair' day. I havent' had it cut in a year. Getting highlights. My friend Tina has been telling me for two weeks she can't wait to see it. Last Thursday she asked me if she could come with me. She said that I will probably be there for 3 or 4 hours so she would keep me company. I love that girl! I had been contemplating cancelling because it's going to cost quite a bit, but it's time I did something for myself. goes. I need a change.

I'm going to quit blabbing and start knocking things off my list. I'll kick myself for the rest of the week for wasting an entire day...It's a good thing no one is around because I would happily sit here feeling shitty doing nothing. Maybe if I get it all done, I will treat myself to that movie Tina and I have been talking about seeing. Over and out.

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