Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The year of the ex's

Well it looks like this may just be the year of the exboyfriends. Recently, my very first boyfriend called me. I met him at 18 and dumped him at 19. It has gotten back to me that he told some of his friends that he should never have let me go...I was good marriage material. ummm. yeah, he's pretty much a redneck. Well, sorry, his bad decision is my good fortune. He even tried the 'I'll lend you money" trick. It's a trap. The object is to make you feel so grateful that you'll give him a date. Not so. I'll be fine on my own, thank you very much. It amazes me how many men have tried this. Then shortly after, another ex boyfriend called me. One I had dated and dumped a year ago. He didn't really ask anything of me, nor did I offer. I was nearly stuck totally supporting his ass and contributing to his porn habit by allowing the use of my computer. Nope. Thanks anyway. And now, another ex-boyfriend has sent me his number in an email. It was kind of a surprise and am actually toying with the idea of calling him. It's kind of like a power kick. I may or may not. I don't really have to decide until I feel like it. He was a nice guy, was in the military, in Iraq, when we met (ONLINE, I know...most think it's a strange way to meet people, but it wasn't so bad really) and when he got home we dated for about 4 months. After we split, he went back to Iraq for another year and we emailed, mostly impersonally and infrequently. So anyway he's back and gave me his number. I wonder who else might appear this year...there is at least one I might jump off a cliff for...

Tomorrow's post, if I have time between working two jobs, is going to be about hair. I wish I had some more readers as I could really use some advice. I'm thinking about a new do for the new job and new start. I need a change!

Peace and sweet dreams.


kaicito said...

hey, this reader will be only too happy to share his hair tips with you...only they consist mostly of how to comb hair over the bald spot :D

G-Man said...

Ex's are never good news. I don't know anybody who says "My ex" and means it in a good light.