Saturday, March 11, 2006

This small town has come ALIVE today. It's quite balmy, a wonderfully temperate 60 degrees. Everyone seems to have dug out their motorcycles and are cruising throughout the town. People are out walking, shopping, investigating the winter damage to their lawns. At least it's peaceful at home...the birds have been slamming into the windows of my house this last week, competing with that ever persistent male in the glass. No babies for me this spring, the contractors ripped out the 3 nests on the porch when they sided the house last summer. It's a bit of a bummer as the kids and I enjoyed watching them grow and listening to the early morning chirping. Ah well, so it goes. Maybe they'll nest in the trees in the yard.

So. It's a beautiful day and I'm getting away from this computer to open the windows and air out the stale winter must. It's a good day to clean out the shed, too, I think. Still going to post about the hair. I need help, but it's going to have to wait a bit until I have time to post some pics. BBL.

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