Sunday, January 14, 2007


I had a great big pancake with strawberries in it, fresh strawberries on it and strawberry syrup (made by a maple syrup company) drizzled on top. It was deliciously sinful. Yum.

The kids cleaned up all of their toys from the three rooms of the house that they scattered them in and are now painting quietly, complimenting each other on their work. I'm off to the tub...then we are meeting a friend and her two girls for a late lunch before we hit "Night at the Museum" at the theater.

Why can't every day be THIS GOOD!?


Val said...

I took my boy to NATM last night... I was expecting to simply endure it, but was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it!
(I'm NOT a Ben Stiller fan)

Philip said...

Okay, if the delay of posting coincides with the movie's release in the theater all the way to the movie's release on dvd (just rented it for kids) then it's been too long between posts!