Monday, March 13, 2006

First Day

Today was the first day, hands on, at the new job. I'm placed with a client in the school I student-taught in, so I'm fairly comfortable. I was pretty nervous in meeting my 'kid'. What do I do if she screams and kicks me, or just hates me??? It wasn't that way at all. Today was a very uneventful day, which I am told is highly unusual. I'm looking forward to this new experience. Already my kid has claimed ownership, I heard her in the lunch telling another student rather harshly "NO! She's here for ME!" I also got a big hug at the end of the day. So, it's a good start.

I feel very important. In my training, I had to read about advocacy and how we are not only there for redirecting and behavior modification but to be an advocate for our child. I listened to the other experiences of the TSS workers today. They see so many things. These kids are medicated, in foster care, being evaluated for special learning needs, being placed in foster and adoptive homes. I feel like I can make a difference, even though I'm pretty much on the low rung of the totem pole. I love it. I'm with kids and I'm still in a classroom.

I'm beat today though. I spent most of the day with my client. I had an hour and 15 minute break before running to a meeting. Then ran from the meeting to work at the restaurant until 9. I feel good though. Tired from a busy and productive day. I'm looking forward to another adventurous day tomorrow.


kaicito said...

good for you! here's hoping this has been only the first of many good and fulfilling days on a job that sounds just right for you.

G-Man said...

Wow...good for you! I would much rather be exhausted at the end of a productive day, making a change in ppls lives vs. spenidng the day dealing with politics and the village idiots of the world.