Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day!

My thoughts gather
in stilted dreams
a world perceived

Where hope is water
and love, ice
as I swim in the gaze
of an angel's eyes.

Lost in these dreams,
with my lover conjured
in a world sublime,
my own naked mind.

Like the kiss of the wind
I can feel but can't touch,
hear but can't see,
it exists and yet,
I am alone in this dream.

Happy Valentine's Day to all. I'm determined to enjoy the day as a single person, and self-appointed flower giver to the those, like me, who would not receive flowers otherwise. It is what it is.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines Day and thanks for stopping by my site! I too, am spending this holiday single, on my own, no roommate, nada. Oh well.

I had a busy day at work, an intense workout, and a yummy supper over at my parents house. Being single can be a good thing!