Monday, May 12, 2008

Strange week with the kids has been difficult. We have had a good time, but they have been antsy and well, difficult. The joys...

I found out some info between yesturday and today...interestingly enough the boys dad isn't in Pittsburg, he's in Germany and decided not to tell me, nor tell me that he wasn't taking the boys for their afternoon this week either. Apparently told the kids I said that they couldn't go with him. Funny, as I had no idea about the trip. The other piece of interesting info is that his house is featured in the Wellsboro "Mountain Home" magazine in a real estate ad as a 'dream home' for sale for a steal of $625,000.00. Yeah. So my question is...where the hell is he going? Derek and his older 1/2 brother have mentioned South Carolina, I guess the kids and their future holds a steady second place to whatever plans apparently are in the works.

Ok, so to the bottom of it all, I'm a little sad. I guess I thought that though I had no stake in the house, that it would be there for the kids. I didn't expect a change, at least for them. I do have to say that at least they were there...the place I brought them home to when they were born. The place I got married in (as big as a mistake it was), the place that still, though not mine, holds a lot of memories for the kids sake. blah, blah, blah....

On the flip side, change is hitting hard. Things will change regardless of where I stand and what I do. Which feels like nothing at this point. So I better get on it. Who knows. Maybe I'll end up in South Carolina myself....

1 comment:

Val said...

Wow, a "steal" for $625K, let's get in line!!!
Summer is bearing down on me like a friggin' freight train, for which I feel completely unprepared.
The Asshole Formerly Known as My Ex-Husband called me yesterday to iron out the details of Z's summer "visit" (he had left me a voicemail Tues AM but I didn't call back quickly enough to suit him) -- I was asking for that last weekend in June, since I have to go to MDA for a fun-filled day of tests Fri 6/27, staying over the weekend for my dr's appt on Mon 6/30...
No can do! since he has already bought PLANE TICKETS for his 30th HS reunion in CO that same weekend (& yes, I checked, it is in fact true**-- never mind that in all the previous yrs we were married for 10th, 15th, or 20th reunion he never showed the slightest interest?!?)
**another laugh for my twisted sense of humor -- guess what their mascot is?? The TROJANS!!!
So anyway, w/my planned trip to NM 7/4 - 7/13, that means Michael will get what he always wants: one big uninterrupted block of time w/no interference from yours truly! One small ray of hope will be that he is going out to the big CA ride, the Tevis which is 7/19, so I should get Z home by 7/16 or 7/17...